Yau Ma Tei Most
22/F, Tung Nam Lau Art Hotel
68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei, HK
Free admission
without reservation
1-18 th Dec 2024
Organiser & Design team
Bone Studio
Tung Nam Lau Art Hotel
This exhibition is a series of needle felt handicrafts, handmade by Bone Studio based on the stories of Yau Ma Tei landmarks, which is a culture and design event in BODW In The City 2024.
骨子裡工作室 2024年度展覽會以油麻地為題材,希望以手工藝創作向世界各地的人展示香港特有的文化及故事。羊毛氈作畫是一件很花時間的工藝,每小吋的羊毛要由不到1mm的刺針重覆施針以固定色紋及成形,請親臨展覽欣賞多幅半米以上的畫作;展場還會展出骨子裡的過往設計作品,歡迎來一場美學對話。 羊毛氈創作是我們由2019年開始,並創意運用寵物(狗狗及貓貓)毛髮加入毛氈製作中,率先在香港舉辦MY PET工作坊,給寵物主人親手製一隻獨一無二的迷你羊毛氈寵物公仔,讓成品別具意義。今次展覽更特別開設 體驗班,讓大家動手接觸這門工藝,以聖誕節日裝飾配合12月的氣氛,還首次以過往工作坊一半價錢定價,期望推廣這門手藝之餘吸引大家到場參觀展品,看看油麻地獨有的生活「毛」式。 BONE STUDIO 2024 exhibition features Yau Ma Tei, showcasing Hong Kong's unique culture through handmade crafts. Wool felting, a time-intensive art, involves shaping wool with a fine needle. Visitors can admire large artworks and past designs from BONE STUDIO, fostering aesthetic dialogue. Since 2019, we've incorporated pet (dog and cat) hair into wool felting and pioneered MY PET workshops, allowing owners to create unique miniature pet figurines. This exhibition will also offer special experience classes at half the price of previous workshops, inviting everyone to engage with this craft and explore the unique "woolen" lifestyle of Yau Ma Tei.
Festival Needle Felting Workshop
Experience making a personalized Christmas decoration with wool felt.
You might choose Yau Ma Tei themed design (1. HK milk tea 港式奶茶杯 / 2. Yung Shue Tau 榕樹頭) or Christmas pattern.
Sat to Thu ( X 6 &13/12 )
Make an appointment via message/email. Welcome to inquire for other time slot or MY PET needle felt workshop.
Message: Instagram @Bone.Studio
/ Email to BoneStudioHK@gmail.com

Partner/ Bone Studio